Is There Any Waste I Cannot Put Into My Council Wheelie Bin

Council wheelie bins are sometimes a tricky one. Can I put this in? Can I put that in? It can feel like a bit of a waste disposal minefield that can seem tricky to get right. Fortunately, providing you do manage to sort your waste into the right bin, the council will take away nearly all of your rubbish. This article aims to help you sort your waste into the right bin.
As a general rule, there are three bins provided by the council throughout the country. This next section details the types of bins and some information about them.
Council Waste Bin
As a rule, all household rubbish can go in this bin. Although you should really separate your waste into recyclables and garden waste if possible. You shouldn’t put bulky waste into this bin. But if it is not something that can be recycled and is not from the garden, it can normally go in the general waste bin. Hazardous chemicals should not be put into the general waste bin as a rule. They should always be disposed of properly. As with all your waste bins, only the bin bags which are in the bin will be collected by your local council waste collection. It is also a good idea to purchase a wheelie bin storage container as this can help prevent theft and mess.
Council Recycling Bin
Issued by all councils and as there is a big drive for recycling by the government recently. Homeowners are encouraged to recycle everything they can. Most items have reflected this increase in recycling by marking their packaging with black and white arrows in a circle, the symbol of recycling. Some places will only have one bin for all your general recycling. While others will have separate boxes for glass, paper, metal and so on. If you are unsure if something can be recycled; you can simply search it online and find this out quickly and easily. As there are still some items, such as coffee machine disks, which are unable to be recycled in your council issued wheelie bin.
Garden Bins
These are not always issued by the council for free. In some areas, you may have to pay to have a garden waste bin, although they are inexpensive. If you opt to pay for one, you can pay monthly and easily dispose of your garden waste. It depends on how much gardening you do as to whether it is worth it. If you tend to garden every now and then, it may be worth just popping your rubbish to the tip. If you garden regularly, the bin might be a solid investment for you – it is all about personal preference.
Depending on your council, there may be other bins. If this is the case, it is worth a quick look online to see what you can and cannot put in them. As mentioned, the council will take most waste away in their bi-weekly collections. Saving you from having to do multiple tip runs during the busy week. If you have any problems or queries regarding your council bins and their collection, these can be easily solved by contacting your local council directly.
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